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Locker Room monitors are the same gender as the team they are monitoring.  If you are not - base layer requirements have to be met by the players in order to be a monitor in the room. For placements we do not have base layer requirements, so you are to be the same gender as the team you are monitoring.


Background Screening

District 9 REQUIRES that all board members, coaches, team managers, locker room helpers and volunteers complete a background screening form.  You also need to complete the Safe Sport training through USA Hockey. If you will be performing multiple roles (board member and coach for example) you only need to complete the form once.  If you have already completed a background screening for another purpose such a classroom volunteer, you still need to complete one through Minnesota Hockey.

To complete the form you will need to login using your NGIN account.  Use the same login you used during registration.  The direct link to the registration form is below.  Be sure to click the correct button at the bottom of the page (Coaches or All Other Positions).  For the Association select "Mankato Area Hockey Association" and "9" for the District.  


The MAHA Grievance Policy is intended to provide MAHA members, volunteers and employees access to a process by which complaints, disputes, or other significant concerns can be addressed, reviewed and resolved in a fair and balanced approach. This process is intended to provide individuals a forum to communicate with the MAHA Grievance Committee when all other attempts to resolve an issue have failed. Player conduct, attendance, swearing, attitude and other minor items should be handled through team rules.

The aggrieved party should discuss, in a private manner, any complaints, disputes or other significant concerns directly with the individual(s) immediately involved in or having knowledge of the issue. Ideally, most issues are resolved at this level. It is recommended that this be done after you have considered the situation and your perspective for at least 24 hours.

If the issue remains unresolved, the individual may file a Grievance Report with the MAHA Grievance Committee. The MAHA Grievance Committee is comprised of three neutral volunteers, one of which will be a member of the MAHA Executive Board. The Grievance Committee will review the facts of the situation with the parties involved and identify a fair resolution to the issue. If a member of the Grievance Committee is an involved party, The MAHA President or Vice President will appoint a neutral party to replace the affected member. The Grievance Committee will report all grievances reported and the recommended resolution to the MAHA Board of Directors.

To submit a Grievance Report, complete the document at the bottom of this page and email it to  MAHA requires that all Grievance Reports identify the aggrieved party. Anonymous Grievance Reports will be discarded and the Grievance Committee will take no action on the issue.

It is MAHA's policy that no individual shall be discriminated against in any way for using this procedure. Discouraging individuals from using this procedure shall not be tolerated.


MAHA’s stance on bad weather accounts for parents to make an ultimate decision on behalf of the child. All Seasons Arena typically does not close due to poor weather, therefore MAHA does not cancel practice on poor weather days, even if school is called. However, any practices being held on days school is let out due to weather are considered “optional”, yet coaches will attend the practice time for anyone wishing to attend. Players​ ​missing​ ​such​ ​practices​ ​will​ ​NOT​ ​be​ ​subject​ ​to​ ​any​ ​team​ ​rule​ ​sanctions.

In the case of school cancellations, teams must follow the District 9 policy, which calls for both teams agreeing to cancel a game​ ​before​ ​it​ ​can​ ​be​ ​cancelled.